Associated Press
By Jayson Veley
Associated Press caught fabricating cabinet meeting that never happened in order to publish fake news
It’s a fair statement to say that the mainstream media has never been this hateful and this politically biased towards any sitting president as they have been towards President Trump. Their primary objective is not to inform the public, but rather to persuade the public through the use of lies, rhetoric and propaganda about the […]
By D. Samuelson
Associated Press caught in fake news, retracts false claim that 17 intelligence agencies agree on Russian “interference”
All those lies about little green cyber Russians invading black voting boxes to sabotage the U.S. presidential election has had one crack exposed, according to Breitbart, who reports that the Associated Press (AP) has written a retraction concerning those 17 agencies who supposedly agreed that pesky Putin and friends had been busy usurping America. The AP printed this falsehood four times: April 6, June 2, June 26 and […]
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