Since Donald J. Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the November election, the apoplectic Democratic Left has been grasping at every …
All those lies about little green cyber Russians invading black voting boxes to sabotage the U.S. presidential election has had one crack exposed, according to Breitbart, who …
As the Republican-led Congress mysteriously continues to investigate their own president over still-unproven allegations he and his inner circle pulled …
As Democrats and other #NeverTrump supporters continue to push the bogus narrative that Russia somehow hacked the U.S. presidential election, …
Marxist Democrats who are still ticked off that a reality TV host and billionaire businessman could best their chosen successor …
Author Peter Schweizer, Breitbart News’ editor-at-large, told the news site’s SiriusXM radio program Thursday that the campaign manager of Hillary …
During his first press conference as president-elect, Donald Trump unveiled how he plans to remove himself from his family’s business …