Talk radio giant Mark Levin says that it’s become obvious former President Barack Obama and his surrogates in government and …
The anti-American Alt-Left – which appears to be helping our terrorist enemies every day they protest President Donald J. Trump …
In recent days Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, citing sources inside the U.S. government and elsewhere, wrote …
In recent days, as he rushes to ‘cement his legacy’ before he leaves office Jan. 20, President Obama has signed …
Publicly, President-elect Donald J. Trump has said his interactions with President Obama have been cordial and courteous. But it has …
President Obama has had a rocky relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin for practically his entire two terms in office. …
If you haven’t figured out by now that President Obama is doing all he can to sabotage and trip up …
President-elect Donald J. Trump was accused of being the primary source of the so-called “birther movement”—the questioning of whether or …